Saturday, 7 March 2009

Girl on a beach

Excuse the pretentious title of this post, but I couldn't think of another one. This morning the sea was almost eerily flat and peaceful. There was a girl / woman sitting on the beach alone, staring out into the ocean. I don't know how old she was - it was too far to see. I don't know if you have ever had the experience where you see someone on their own and you briefly wonder about them but put the thought aside as you get on with your own busy life. I never wanted to post photos on my blog - ostensibly I have wanted my writing to tell the story (in truth I'm just a lousy photographer!) but I found the image so evocative, I thought I would share it. I just wondered about her. Had she recently lost someone? Been through a breakup? Maybe as mundane a reason as an exhausting week at work? Perhaps a tourist marvelling at the beauty of the ocean? Or a business woman out from overseas who knows nobody here and is killing time until Monday? Or a run-down mom who left the husband with the kids and took a 'time-out' for a couple of hours to recharge? Just wondered...

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