Thursday 14 May 2009

Day 11

Zurich. We entered Switzerland and my first thought was that when we got back to SA, I was going to ask my parent's Swiss friends whatever possessed them to leave. It is one long postcard after another of perfect roads, mountains and lakes and clean! After Italy, which is lively and awesome but let's face it, not the most hygienic of places, Switzerland was beautiful and clean. Clinically so. In a word, civilised. And so it was another surpise that Zurich so dissapointed. Yes it was clean, which I can't stress how pleasant an aspect that was after Italy. But it seemed soulless. Herr Kerry's itinerary stated we were to stay in Zurich that night, and then move on to Munich but we barely stayed a few hours. We walked up and down the Bahnhoffstrasse, but you would have to earn a lot of money to afford handbags costing upwrds of 20000 Euros. It actually put Brugge to shame. So we hit the road shortly after and headed for Munich. Crossing the border into Germany it was immediately apparent we were in Germany. Not quite as clean and I don't know - just not as pretty.

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